Tuesday, June 25, 2013

OnMentoring on YouTube!

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”
― Benjamin Disraeli

Do you feel stuck in your career? Are you looking to grow professionally and personally? A key factor in many successful careers is finding or becoming a mentor. My new YouTube channel, much like this blog, will cover everything from why participate in mentoring to how to find a mentor to how to be a great mentor. I'll share stories and advice on how to create and ensure a successful mentoring relationship. I also look forward to answering questions about mentoring and professional advancement just as I do here.

So if career development and mentoring is important to you then this your channel! Join me on a mentoring journey by subscribing to this channel and sharing it with friends who are also looking to move forward in their professional life.

Mentoring is all about revealing someone else's own riches to themselves and enriching oneself in the joy and satisfaction that results.

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