Monday, December 6, 2010

Interruptions are disastrous!

Jason Fried asks "Where do you go to get something done?"

Apparently most everyone's answer is anywhere but the office!! Why? Because that's where you are constantly interrupted!

Jason is the founder of a web application development company and is passionate about efficiency in the workplace. In the following TEDTalk Jason goes on to illustrate the reasons why interruptions are so disastrous to productivity, creativity and efficiency. He also suggests 3 steps to improve this situation.

And while the talk dings "managers" (rightfully so :) ) I agree with every word. I highly recommend watching his funny and insightful presentation.

So where do YOU go to get something done??

Jason's excellent TEDTalk here.

*Note: after this post was written I found CNN decided to feature this talk on their website as well!

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